Our Journey
Bob and Lena began their life together as long-distance runners. But they weren’t prepared for the long, unmapped journey that began in 2012 with Bob’s diagnosis of mixed dementia (vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease). Even as a professional in health care communications, Lena was overwhelmed by the issues she faced. It took time to connect with caring professionals who helped her to map a path for giving Bob the best possible quality of life while caring for herself. Today, she wants others to benefit from her experience.
Like many of her fellow caregivers, Lena feels a calling to give back by helping others as they reach the common Alzheimer’s milestones—the shock of diagnosis, transitioning from denial to acceptance, keeping pace with the relentless changes, and passing the final milestone. Lena has been there. While affirming our listeners’ loss, confusion, and grief, Bob’s Last Marathon will hopefully be a source of practical guidance, comfort, and encouragement in living the Alzheimer’s journey.
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Advisory Board

Steven E. Arnold, MD, Chair
Dr. Arnold is Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School, and Translational Neurology Head and Managing Director of the Interdisciplinary Brain Center at Massachusetts General Hospital. The Interdisciplinary Brain Centerʼs mission is to facilitate the discovery, development, and implementation of promising therapeutics and associated diagnostics for individuals with brain disorders that affect cognition, behavior, and emotion. Alzheimerʼs disease and related neurodegenerative dementias are major clinical and research interests of Dr. Arnold.

Felicia Greenfield, MSW, LCSW
Felicia Greenfield is Executive Director of the Penn Memory Center. Greenfield leads a team of social workers and social work interns with an interest in older adults. Under her direction, the social work team provides psychoeducation and ongoing support to the families caring for patients. Greenfield received an MSW from the University of Pennsylvaniaʼs School of Social Policy and Practice and has been with the Penn Memory Center since 2006.

Christopher Thomas Wight, LCSW
Christopher Wight is Clinical Social Worker at Mass General Hospital Dementia Care Collaborative, equipped with experience in dementia care, substance use, severe and persistent mental illness, and palliative care. He received his masterʼs degree in social work from Salem State University, Salem, MA.

Jill Amstutz, MBA
Jill Amstutz is Founder of JAV Medical Marketing Strategy, with a track record of providing entrepreneurial medical device ventures with strategic market insights and direction. JAV Medical Marketing Strategy leverages a network of professionals including clinicians, biomedical engineers, regulatory experts, venture capitalists, and medical advertising agencies. She has an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business and a BA from Princeton University.

Stefanie Bonigut, MSW, LCSW
Stefanie Bonigut spent 10 years as Family Services Manager with the Alzheimer’s Association, Northern California and Northern Nevada. She provided care consultation and education to family caregivers as well as information and resource referrals on the 24/7 Helpline, presented educational workshops to the community and professionals, and facilitated support groups for people in the early stage of Alzheimer’s disease and caregivers. Additionally, from 2015 to 2019, Stefanie was the lead on the San Francisco and San Mateo Dementia Safety Net Programs, which connected people living alone with dementia to needed programs and services. Stefanie is an LCSW with an MSW from the University of Washington and a bachelor’s degree in physiology from UC Santa Barbara.